Goals For My 25th Birthday

Well…my mid-twenties have finally arrived! Today I am celebrating my 25th birthday and to be completely honest, I can’t believe I’m a quarter-century old already. Sometimes I feel like when I envisioned myself in my mid-twenties, I pictured myself having more of my sh*t together (haha). Like maybe I wouldn’t still be wearing Victoria’s Secret Pink sweatshirts from middle school, or maybe I wouldn’t still be getting acne. But hey, do any of us really have it all figured out? My sources say no. 

Still, I love to look at birthdays as the perfect time to have a fresh start and work on some goal-setting. Some people make New Year’s resolutions, well, I choose to make birthday resolutions. What can I say, I like to do my own thing here, people! Since it’s my birthday today, I have compiled a list of 11 goals (why 11? no idea really) I want to work on in the upcoming year. So, without further ado, let’s get started! 

In no particular order…

  1. Travel more. I know what you’re thinking…yes we do live in Europe and travel (somewhat) often. BUT, while we’re living here, I definitely want to take advantage of the fact that we’re so close to so many amazing places. Currently on our bucket list? Paris, London, and Prague!
  2. Purchase more “investment” pieces of clothing. I do have a few investment pieces in terms of handbags, shoes, and accessories, but I am definitely lacking in the clothing department. 
  3. Create and implement a consistent skincare routine. Sure I cleanse, use eye cream, and moisturize but let’s face it, aging happens! Although I’m only 25, I don’t think it’s ever too early to start talking prevention and implementing some additional products so I can age more gracefully (haha). 
  4. Daily quiet time. Set aside time every day where I put away all technology and just enjoy the quiet. Sometimes I think we all get too wrapped up in our screen time and I really think it’s important to set it aside for some time each day.
  5. Back up contents on my computer and iPhone. This is something that has been on my to-do list for way too long now! I feel like as soon as I set aside some time to do this I will feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. 
  6. Stress less. Easier said than done, I know! But I’m hoping to become less of a worrier/stressed/anxiety-filled person this year (haha). Let’s see if I can successfully do this!
  7. Be more social…in the real world. Somehow, I have gotten to be so shy in my quarter-century-old age. Whether it’s from maturing or something I picked up after moving to a new country, hopefully, I can shake this new, bad habit. 
  8. Improve my cooking skills. I should give myself a little bit of credit and clarify one thing, I’m not a bad cook! What I know how to make, I make well! But…when trying to cook something new, it definitely takes me a few tries before I get it right. I also need to work on expanding my cookbook!
  9. Work on creating an all-natural home. I’m looking to ditch all the toxins in our home and replace them with a healthier alternative so we can have a better lifestyle. I want to toss our cleaners, detergents, candles, soaps, and anything else!
  10. Practice yoga more often. Yoga has been something I have gotten super into on and off for the past 3 (ish) years. I absolutely love practicing yoga as it makes me feel great physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Lately, I have been in the midst of my “off” cycle and I am making a goal to get back into it.
  11. Perfect my German. To be fair, my German-speaking skills have improved immensely over the last year or so. However, I am certainly not a fluent speaker yet and I would definitely love to be one!

So, do you make any goals for yourself when a birthday comes along? If so, what are they? Let me know how you like to celebrate your birthday. I’m hoping it’s with lots of cake and champagne, as that’s definitely my idea of a perfect day!

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  1. Debi Farnham says:

    I meant goal number 9 I am definitely not going to be able to help you speak German LOL

    1. Kate says:

      Oh yes! I’ve been looking into Young Living lately and I am really loving everything about them. And when I say “looking into” I mean I’ve been stalking their products and researching them for months! haha I think I might give that a try soon.

  2. Debi Farnham says:

    I can help you with Goal number 11

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