My 13 Best Moving Tips and Tricks

Hey friends! Wow…what a crazy couple weeks we have had over here! I am thrilled to report that we are finally settling into our new home here in Lübeck! I’m not going to lie to you, a small part of me felt like this day would NEVER come. However, we made it, we survived, and we are now trying to get back into a somewhat normal routine. Both Ryan and I have loved every single second we have spent here so far. Come to think of it, it sort of feels as if the months of chaos and drama that always seem to accompany a move was a lifetime ago at this point!

Luckily, Ryan and I feel like complete and total professionals when it comes to all things moving related. To say we have moved a lot would be a gross understatement at this point (haha). Our Moving Tally was just increased to 4 cities and 5 homes in just 5 seasons. Talk about CRAZY, right?! Naturally, we feel as if we have truly learned the ins and outs of moving and have totally mastered the craft of packing up and relocating.

With that being said, I am super excited to share my 13 Best Moving Tips and Tricks with you all!

Purge and Declutter

Take advantage of this opportunity you have and use this time to get rid of things you no longer need. You will be amazed at how much junk you have held onto around your house. I can almost guarantee you will say, “Why the heck do we still have this?” roughly 100 times while going through your belongings. If you no longer wear it/use it/need it…chuck it!

Collect Boxes

It’s no secret that you will need lots of boxes come moving day, and there is nothing worse than having to go out and spend your hard-earned cash on cardboard boxes. Actually, I take that back. There is nothing worse than dumpster diving for used boxes or running to your local grocery store to ask them for the old vegetable boxes. Believe me, no one wants their throw pillows smelling like Cantaloupe. So, I would totally recommend saving every box you possibly can in the months leading up to your move. If you get a giant order from Amazon or, save those boxes, people!

Keep Original Boxes For Specialty Items

While we’re on the subject of boxes, something Ryan and I have been doing for years is saving the original boxes for things that are oddly shaped or overly fragile. For example, the box and packaging that our TV came in, as well as our computer, and even some smaller appliances. I promise that this will make your life so much easier when you can just slide your TV back into its original styrofoam instead of trying to wrap it up with bubble wrap and praying it doesn’t break in the truck (haha). While it may get tedious to store these boxes in your home, if you are moving around quite a lot like we are, it is definitely worth it!

Create a Packing Supply Station/Basket

It goes without saying that your home becomes a tornado zone when you are in the midst of packing and organizing. Make yourself a little packing station fully equipped with boxes, tape, scissors, sharpies, etc. You will never have to scream, “Honey, where’s the tape?!” to your significant other ever again (haha). You can even take it up a notch and throw everything into a basket that you can tote around with you from room to room!

Use Paper Plates/Cups/Utensils

If you are someone who wants to start packing up a little in advance, specifically your kitchen, you may want to stock up on some paper goods! Let’s be real here, the kitchen is the absolute worst room to pack up, right?! There are so many items, so many breakable pieces, and it is probably not something you will want to do the day before your move. So, go out and buy some paper goods that you can eat with while you’re kitchen items are being packed away. You can even use these paper goods again when you first move into your new home.

Carry Valuables With You

I usually pack a tote bag that I keep with me filled with all of our valuables and personal items. Things like our laptops, iPad, GoPro, camera, jewelry, etc. Basically, anything we would be devastated over if it got stolen, broken, or lost!

Keep a Folder of Important Documents

Something that I also carry in my bag on moving day is a folder of all our important documents and paperwork. Everything from our passports to our birth certificates, marriage license, contracts to the new home, contract for the moving company if you hired one, etc. Basically any paperwork you wouldn’t want to be lost, or that you might need in the coming days.

Make a First Day Essentials Box

One of the biggest pieces of advice I could give anyone who is about to move to a new home is this right here. Make yourself a First Day Essentials Box! Believe me, when I tell you, there is nothing worse than moving into your new home, going to use the bathroom, and then realizing you don’t know where your toilet paper is! So, grab an extra moving box, large basket, or Rubbermaid bin and fill it with anything and everything you could envision you and your family needing during that first day (or days) in your new home. Things I usually pack in our FDE Box: toilet paper, hand soap, dish soap, paper towels, some cleaning supplies, garbage bags, water bottles, scissors, box cutter, dog food & bowls, and paper goods.

First Night Essentials Suitcase

To go along with the FDE Box, I also pack a First Night Essentials Suitcase for both Ryan and I. I don’t know about you guys, but for us, it seems like our clothes are always the last items to get unpacked when we move in. Everything else in the home always feels like more of priority I guess! So, I typically pack us each a suitcase with clothes and things that we may need those first few days in our new home. Things I usually pack in our FNE Suitcase: pajamas, a few outfits/shoes, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, bath towel, shampoo, conditioner, body wash, medications, and any other toiletries you might need!

Pack Seasonal Items Together

Something that I started doing more recently was packing our seasonal items together. This goes for clothing, shoes, and decor items! That way, when you move into your new home, you don’t even have to unpack that box of Halloween decorations- it can go straight into storage for now. The same goes for any seasonal clothing or shoes that you aren’t wearing at the moment.

Keep Ziplock Bags for Furniture Hardware

If you have furniture pieces that you are taking apart to pack and transport, you will probably be left with a handful of screws, nails, dowels, and lord knows what else! (Thanks a lot, Ikea). To ensure nothing gets lost or forgotten, keep a Ziplock bag for every piece of furniture, label it, and fill it with all those loose parts and pieces.

Label Your Cords

For all us girls who are most likely clueless when it comes to all things technology (yup…that’s me), you may want to consider labeling all of your cords before you wind them up and pack them away. Otherwise, when you go to unpack your electronics, you will probably be looking at a box filled with black cords and panic when you realize you have no idea which cord goes to which device (haha).

Bed First, Kitchen Second

Okay, okay, I know everyone and their mother suggests that you unpack your kitchen first. That way, you can start cooking again and get back to having civilized meals. However, I completely disagree! I totally recommend setting up your bed and unpacking all of your bedding first! That way, it is all set up and ready for you to crash whenever you have called it quits for the day. In my opinion, there is nothing worse than spending an entire day moving and unpacking, wanting to crawl into bed, and then having to resort to sleeping on the floor. Trust me, you will appreciate having your bed with fresh sheets at the end of the day.

With that being said, once your bed is all set up and good to go, definitely move onto tackling the kitchen. When your bedroom and kitchen are (somewhat) in order, you will start to feel a whole lot better!


So tell me, do you have any moving hacks that I missed? Comment below if you are also in the midst of packing and moving!

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1 Comment

  1. Wow, thank you for your awesome moving tips and tricks. We’d like to move to a new home sometime next year. I’m thinking we might just hire professional movers.

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