Practicing Self-Care

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When was the last time you took an hour just for yourself? If you have to think about it, it’s been too long! Self-care is so important to our overall health, and it is something that many of us don’t consider a priority. Because so many of us lead busy lives with our jobs, family, and friends, we rarely take time to put ourselves first. When we have a busy schedule, we do whatever we have to in order to get through the day. Oftentimes that means grabbing an unhealthy snack or stressing about where we need to rush off to next. These are the days self-care is most important and shouldn’t be overlooked! We have to remember to take care of ourselves; not just physically, but mentally as well as emotionally. When we do, we are the best version of ourselves and have the best possible outlook on life.

Self-care is something I personally value SO much. So much of our life here in Germany revolves around soccer and the schedule that goes along with it. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE my life here and I have virtually no complaints. I love watching Ryan fulfill his dreams and I thoroughly enjoy being there for him however I can. However, sometimes I feel the need to set aside time that is all about me and focus on my needs. When I take the time for myself, I feel reenergized, happier, and have a more positive outlook on life. It is something I hope to encourage all of you to do for yourselves!

Below I have compiled a list of ways that I practice self-care physically, mentally, and emotionally. I hope it inspires you to schedule time for yourself and take care of YOU!

Ways to Practice Self-Care

  1. Eat healthily. I know it’s hard sometimes to stick to a healthy diet, but your body will thank you for it. When you eat right, you are healthier, have more energy, and feel better about your body.
  2. Go outside and take a walk. Extra points if your walk is through the woods! There is something so serene about walking outside, listening to the birds, and breathing in the fresh air. This is something that always makes me feel great about myself and my life!
  3. Disconnect from technology for a few hours. Your cell phone, computer, and even your TV- turn it all off. Instagram will still be there in a couple hours, I promise!
  4. Live in the moment. Focus on not stressing about what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow. Try to enjoy each passing moment and be fully present in your life.
  5. Wake up early, make yourself a healthy breakfast (like this smoothie here), and cross something off your to-do list. You will feel great about yourself knowing you started your day off right and did something productive with your time.
  6. Spend time with animals. Whether you have a fur baby of your own or you stop by a local animal shelter, spend some time cuddling and playing with your favorite animal. This will help reduce your stress, anxiety, and you will leave feeling much happier.
  7. Open up a yummy snack or your favorite treat and watch a movie that you love. Who cares if you’ve seen Harry Potter 27 times already?
  8. Organize your home and your mind. Remove all of the clutter (physical or mental) in your life. I went into detail about this in last week’s organization post.
  9. Surround yourself with positive people. Individuals who bring you down, make you feel bad about yourself or don’t value you as a person shouldn’t have a place in your life.
  10. Sleep in. Seriously, this will do wonders for you.
  11. Do something physically active. Whether you’re into yoga, running, walking, biking, or anything else, just move your body. Remember, doing anything is better than doing nothing!
  12. Call or visit a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to or seen in a while. When I’m feeling a bit down or overwhelmed, there is nothing I enjoy more than catching up with my friends and family.
  13.  Go to a cafe, order yourself a coffee and a pastry, and read a book. Finding time to read is so beneficial in my opinion. It allows you to clear your mind and focus all of your attention solely on the story. Next on my reading list is The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck. This book shows us how to be positive so we can ultimately become better, happier people. I’ll probably do a post on this when I’m finished reading!
  14. Have yourself a spa day. Put on a face mask, paint your nails, and watch some trashy TV. This is something I do about once a week…usually when Ryan is playing Fortnite (cue my eye roll). I have 2 face masks that I absolutely love and use regularly. They are not high-end or expensive by any means, but I think they work great! Currently, I am loving this Hydrate Mask and this Detox Mask. As for nail polish, Ballet Slippers by Essie is usually number 1 in my lineup.
  15. Start a journal. Write down what you are thankful for, what your goals are, or even what items are on your bucket list. This will help you realize everything that’s great in your life and help you get excited about your future. Anthropologie’s 52 Lists for Happiness Journal is amazing! It is a list-based journal designed to seek out personal bliss, inspire, and boost your mood.
  16. Buy yourself something you have had your eye on. Because you deserve to treat yourself every once in a while! I don’t know about you, but retail therapy always works for me!

So, the next time you come home to find your man playing Fortnite (haha), use this free time to focus on yourself and practice self-care. All jokes aside, we all have to remember how important it is to take care of ourselves from a holistic standpoint. When we truly take care of ourselves, we have the power to lead happier and more positive lives.

In what ways do you practice self-care? Or, what prevents you from finding the time to practice self-care? Let me know in the comments!


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